Teaser Epizodu IX.
Re: Teaser Epizodu IX.
#11Ja nie oglądałem a i tak wszystko wiem..... A co do tego pana to pomyślałem tylko: " po ch...."
Nazaara, Stalker from the Brotherhood of the Sith
"Do not care what other's think. Do what you must."
"Do not care what other's think. Do what you must."
Re: Teaser Epizodu IX.
#12Lupus, Lord of Wrath from the Brotherhood of the Sith
Proximity to power deludes some into believing they wield it.
Proximity to power deludes some into believing they wield it.
Re: Teaser Epizodu IX.
#13Szalenie ciasno upakowane okręty. Lepiej by to wyglądało jakby było między nimi większe odległości. Za to ten tron... coś pięknego.
Gorthuar Ventress, Lord of Vengeance from the Brotherhood of the Sith
"I fight for the future... and the future is now!" - Naga Sadow
Gorthuar Ventress, Lord of Vengeance from the Brotherhood of the Sith
"I fight for the future... and the future is now!" - Naga Sadow
Re: Teaser Epizodu IX.
#14Ale to by wskazywało na to, że Disney mocno inspiruje się Dark Empire. Niektóre rzeczy są 1:1 skopiowane z tego komiksu
Lupus, Lord of Wrath from the Brotherhood of the Sith
Proximity to power deludes some into believing they wield it.
Proximity to power deludes some into believing they wield it.